Wednesday, August 29, 2012

This is for my Typography class.  We were to construct a Russian Contructivism style poster with a tabloid type story.  I chose Emilie Autumn because I love her and thought she would be a particularly interesting subject for an assignment like this.  The floating head in the upper right corner and the head on the full body picture were taken from photos that I found of her.  The cracked look that shows on the floating head was done through Photoshop as an attempt to show more of the mental instability implied from the story.  On the head that shows on the body I used a filter to give it a weathered look in an attempt to bring it more in balance with the background and the drawn body.  The drawn body was an image I found on DeviantArt by Candra with a FX layer put on it to give it a weathered look, again for the sake of connecting it to the background, but also to illustrate a musical nature.  The green spiral was done utilizing a brush found on DA as well.  I chose green for two reasons.  First, green tends to imply sickness, which is part of what I was trying to tell through the showing of the "suicide attempt" and "famously bipolar" bits.  Secondly it is a complimentary color for red, so I thought it would be a more interesting and pleasing choice visually.

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