Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Okay, so here is what I am working on now.  It started as part of an assignment for my Fundamentals of Design class, but I am planning on continuing with this.  It may end up being my final project for FoD. Who knows?  I need to go in and clean up a lot of stuff, but once I have this on the computer and I get used to the pen-tab, I should be able to do some good stuff with this.  I might have to go in and change the outfit on the mage (the guy getting kicked in the face) and the priest (the one already dead on the ground.)  Both of them are the result of my being lazy up until now and not wanting to draw their proper PvP outfits.  I should change that since I have Nightshade and the warrior in their appropriate outfits. Damn detail orientated work!!!

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